Packaging 2 - Spring 2015 / Academy of Art University - MFA
The final project for this class entailed designing a line of paint inspired by a designer or artist, and I decided to do a line inspired by one of my favorite artists, Wassily Kandinsky. I absolutely love all the color and graphic elements in his work! It was also a challenge for me to design something that didn’t use handlettering (my go-to style at the moment!)

For the initlal brainstorming & conceptualizing, I put together a mood board with some of Kandinsky's work and work inspired by his work — I was really inspired by all the bursts of color, along with the interaction of overlapping geometric shapes, and knew it was something I wanted in my final project.


In my initial sketches, I wanted there to be a balance between the rich, colorful pattern inspired by Kandinsky's work + some breathing space for the product name and description. I also wanted to find a way to incorporate Kandinsky's signature somewhere. I eventually had to simplify it based on feedback. It was pretty interesting thinking in panels — and how customers would interact with it when stacked on a shelf.

I enjoyed playing with the colors and having them translate over a wider range of products like spray paint and paint brushes. It was quite a challenge for me to squeeze in all the required text (who knew paint came with a ton of fine print?!) ;)

Initial color version. It still seemed too busy so I had to refine.

More refining...
I'm happy with how these came out — just wish I took better photos! ;)

Final paint gallon label, V1

Final paint gallon label, V2

Spray paint can label

... because, paint brushes! <3

Final paint quart label, V1

Final paint gallon label, V2